Attention: Parents Who Have Children Aged 5-18+

Discover How To Skyrocket Your Child’s Grades in just 30-90 days!

Be 100% Satisfied With Your Tutor Before You Pay a Penny!

Top-Performing Tutors

We hire only the best: our top tutors are not only exceptional educators, but also academic achievers who serve as role models and mentors, guiding your child to success.

Our Holistic Approach

Our students don't just improve grades, they gain confidence and a passion for learning, setting them up for a brighter future.


You can access expert tutoring from the comfort of your home, eliminating commuting time and fitting seamlessly into your busy schedule.

Success Stories

Countless students have skyrocketed their grades thanks to our guidance...

Ready to join them?

Committed To Helping Our Students Succeed

At AMD Tuition, we believe that education should know no boundaries, and our virtual tuition centre is here to redefine the way students learn and grow. We understand that parents are constantly searching for the ideal educational setting that nurtures their child's potential while offering flexibility in today's fast-paced world. That's why we have meticulously crafted our virtual tuition centre to provide an exceptional learning environment that combines academic excellence with the convenience of learning from the comfort of home.


Case Studies

Parent Experience

"There's nothing we would change"

Student Experience

"Without AMD, I wouldn't be in a Grammer School"

What Sets Us Apart From Other Tuition Centres

  • Student-Centred Approach: Here, students are not mere numbers; they are the focal point of our personalised guidance, ensuring their unique strengths and challenges are addressed with utmost care and attention.

  • Founder's Expert Involvement: Our founder, a dedicated dental student himself, directly oversees every student's progress. This means you're not just a number to us – your success matters deeply.

  • Satisfaction Guaranteed: We ensure that you pay only when you've found the tutor who perfectly aligns with your learning needs and goals, guaranteeing a seamless and successful partnership.

  • All our Tutors are DBS Checked

We Offer A Range Of Services


We provide high-quality Maths tutoring for SATs, 11 Plus, GCSE and A-levels.


We provide high-quality English tutoring for SATs, 11 Plus, GCSE and A-levels.


We provide high-quality tutoring in Biology, Chemistry & Physics for SATs, GCSE and A-levels.

11 Plus

Our bespoke 11 Plus approach aligns with each student's learning style, equipping them with essential skills and exam strategies for success.

University Applications

From crafting compelling personal statements to excelling in admission exams and interviews, our guidance is finely tuned to each student's strengths.

10+ Subjects

Contact us to explore the wide range of subjects we cover and discover if we offer the one you're seeking.

Hear From Armaan - One Of Our Many Success Stories

"I was a previous student of AMD Tuition. I was preparing for my 11+ exam and the test to obtain an admission and ideally a scholarship at KES private school. I was stressing a lot before my parents told me about AMD Tuition. I was reluctant at first, but thought that there would be no harm done if I tried it out.

Afterwards I realised that it was by far the right decision. I had done almost no substantial revision until AMD Tuition showed me what to revise and how to do it. There was only 3 months till the exams, when AMD Tuition took me on. At one hour a day I was able to pass the 11+ and get an admission at King Edward VI Aston. I also passed the KES exam. They taught me very well and were patient; helped with anything that I struggled with.

They created revision guides and gave me many websites to use. ​Without AMD Tuition I would have most definitely failed the 11+ and the KES exam. I would highly recommend them and I would give them a 5 star review. If I could I would give them even more than 5 stars.

They are the reason that I am in the school which I am in today and I give all the credit to them. ​I would highly recommend them to anyone who is looking for tuition. They are highly affordable and teach very well. I had tried other centres before, but none were to this standard. Trust me from my experience and choose AMD Tuition - I guarantee that you won’t regret it."

Meet Our Attorneys

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Chuck McGill

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With our FREE Consultation and then Trial Lesson, you ensure that you only pay for lessons when you are happy to continue!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are your tutors experienced?

We only hire the highest quality of tutors who produce the best results. Our tutors go through a rigorous interview process and we only hire a small percentage of tutors that apply to work for us. Many parents have told us that the price of the lessons, for the quality you get, is a bargain considering the results in not only the progress of their grades, but also their child's study mentality and increased motivation to do well. Our tutors serve as not only tutors but mentors also. All of our tutors have a valid DBS.

How do lessons take place?

All lessons are online via Zoom, Teams or Google Meets. A lesson link will be sent before each lesson. After each lesson, homework and feedback is provided for the students and parents.

What is the cost of lessons after the Free Consultation and Trial Lessons?

Once you are happy to continue, group lesson prices start from £12.45/hour and 1-1 from £22.95/hour.

Do I have to pay for a block of lessons or can pay per lesson?

That is completely up to you. We do not ask parents to commit to a set number of lessons. Most parents prefer to pay in blocks to secure the tutors and their weekly times, but if you prefer to take it lesson by lesson that is completely fine!

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